I really don't like yellow on walls. My apologies to those that love it - it just isn't for me. It took me two rooms of yellow to come to this realization. Our first house we painted the nursery yellow. I couldn't stand it. When we finally got around to painting it a soft pink I was in love. Fast forward to another house and a kitchen. When we built the house I had it painted empire gold. I like the color - it is even in my livingroom, but I just didn't feel it was right for my kitchen. It didn't go with the black and stainless. It just wasn't right. I felt maybe it was because it was too dark so I had the idea to go lighter. Guess what that was ------ yellow. I was in denial. I thought wow it looks so much better but really I was thinking - not loving it. I was also pregnant at the time so I chalked it up to hormones. Well I never grew to love it and begged hubs to help me paint it another color. I knew exactly what I wanted - a coastal blue. He finally agreed.
good riddence friendly yellow!!
Mucho improvement!!!
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