Monday, May 18, 2009

seriously I don't get it.....

Can someone PLEASE explain to my why in maternity photos the husband or significant other has to have his shirt off. I mean what is the point? I would like an explanation please. HUGE pet peeve. I am not fond of the almost naked shots with the wind blowing outside or the tube top either. I kinda get where you are trying to show the pregnancy body but it sometimes appears as borderline porn.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's just a name.....

So why has it been so hard to pick a name for the baby this time. It seemed so easy with the last two but this time it has been such a struggle. I guess maybe cause I know this is the last time I will be choosing a name or cause I feel like I need to stick with the E trend we are on but it is driving me a little nuts. I start thinking - wow this is kinda important - this kid is stuck with this name forever (well I mean I guess she can change it pretty easily if she wants to - the process doesn't seem horribly difficult).

And let me tell you EVERYBODY wants to know what the name is. When you tell them you don't know they look at you like you are such a liar. But I promise we don't have a name. We had to quit talking about it cause it just got worse. After our date night we decided that we would wait to see the baby before we decided on a name. If she has hair we go with one name, if she doesn't we go with another. Now we just have to narrow our list down to two names - lol. Not only are we undecided on names but names we do have - spelling is an issue as well. Good times!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

this and that

so the coupon clipping is not going that great. i guess being pregnant has made it hard for me to focus on anything really. i feel like my brain is going in 80 different directions and to commit to anything has been super hard. this goes with exercise as well. i am not doing that good at all and i know i will regret it - i know this yet it still is not enough motivation for me to do anything.

i did do pretty good this past weekend at the outlet malls with my coupons. you can get a coupon book for a dollar if you take the time to go to guest services and that dollar saved me about 30 bucks. I only shopped at the stores that had true outlet prices and feel pretty good about all the loot i got and the total price i paid.

updating from my previous blog - i completed the 5k. I was 3rd from last and completely worn out. the only reason i wasn't last is i skipped a loop and got in front of an elderly couple. but i did it. felt like pooh for 4 hours after though. my daughter won second for her age group 0-10 yr olds - i am very proud of her. my husband and her completed another 5k this past weekend and she won 3rd in her age group 0-19 yr olds. her time remained close to the same - approximately 35 minutes. i can't wait to be able to run with her and let hubby do his own thing and work on pb.

anybody out there want to help us pick out a baby name. hubby and i can't agree - any suggestions are welcome!!!!

last night was pretty interesting. my oldest and i attended my nephew's preschool graduation. it lasted an hour and 45 minutes. i thought it would never end and laughed the majority of the time - not cause it was suppose to be funny but at the absurdity of some of the things that occurred. there should be limits to how much should be crammed into a ceremony and who should be performing. don't you think the kids should be doing all of that and not the teachers? some of it was quite ridiculous. oh well he graduated and it is over. :)

2 weeks and 1 day before we go on vacation - can't wait!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

saving cents

With the new baby on the way, it is going to be important for our family to become more 'cent'sible when it comes to purchasing things. I have started reading blogs on using coupons and shopping sensibly. I wish there was a workshop available that teaches you specifically how to be super successful with this. I know it takes work and coupon clipping is a start but I have heard some amazing stories of how women have spent next to nothing or received money back when shopping. I want to be THAT woman. So this is my new quest - hopefully I can get a group together and we can compare savings and have some accountability with spending.

On another note, I signed up for a 5k that will be in a few weeks. Hope I can make it and everyone is not waiting on me to finish. E really wants to run it with her dad and I just don't think she can do 3 miles at his pace so I want to be her fallback but I can't even see my feet anymore so not sure how it is going to play out. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I am so MOODY!

I have been in the worst mood since this weekend. Everything is bothering me and I know I am coming across as super mean and honestly right now I just don't care. I want to be left alone and just want to get over it. I am sure it is due to pregnancy hormones so do I have to deal with this for 3 more months!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Girl #3!

So our house is going to be full of girls - poor hubby. The baby is very active and healthy and we are super excited. E seems to be content - she wanted another sister. L has no idea how much her world is about to rock!

We do have a dilemma though - we can't decide on a name AT ALL. Any suggestions are welcome!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Things not to say to a pregnant woman

The following are some things that have been said to me while pregnant.

1. You don't even look pregnant.
2. Were you trying?
3. You are crazy - you are really going to have your hands full.
4. I can't believe how much you are already showing.
5. Are you eating a lot?
6. Are you sure you are only having one baby?
7. I am glad it is you and not me.
8. I am not a fan of that name.
9. You will have to have a c-section.
10. You are eating too many sweets.
11. That name reminds me of a fat girl!
12. You have the pregnancy nose!
13. Don't eat that cinnamin roll! It came out of a vending machine and it's not good for the baby!
14. You are wasting too much money on maternity clothes
15. It's my car, and I'm going to smoke! (I'm in the car too)

I will add more as they are said or I remember them. Please share some you have and I will add them to the list.

Monday, January 12, 2009

L will eat anything!!

Yes that is a chicken wing. Sorry about the quality. I took the video with my phone.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Happy New Year!!! I can't believe it is 2009. Like many others, I have made some resolutions. Some will be harder to keep than others but they are still things I need to work on.

1. Be the first person to wake up in the house and be ready before the girls so I can spend time with them. - this will be a challenge because not one ounce of my being is a morning person but VERY important to me so I will try to change that.

2. Always eat dinner at the table.

3. Spend less time on the sofa and more time doing ANYTHING else.

4. Spend one on one time with the girls.

5. Attend church consistently - no excuses.

6. Include exercise of some form in my daily routine.