Wednesday, March 23, 2011

move = bittersweet

the moving truck has already been packed and unpacked. i'll admit i completely lost it when it came in the driveway and when it pulled out. have you ever felt excited, anxious, sad, scared, happy and depressed all at the same time? that's how i'm feeling right now. i feel almost paralyzed. silly though cause its just a move a few hours away and people move everyday right?

i have a high school friend moving to another country as a missionary with three kids - if she can do that then why am i being such a putz about moving just a hundred miles away? reality is i am scared. i am getting out of my comfort zone. i am worried about my kids. i know it will all be ok but i am worried - worried we are taking them from their friends and family. are we being selfish or are we doing what is right for our family? my head knows we are but my heart - not so much. i know even three months from now it will be better but for now don't expect me to be the least bit "with it" cause it won't be happening.

this was only half of the stuff and minus furniture

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