Monday, December 15, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Southern Snow

So it snowed for a few hours and now we have slush and dead plants. I am not a fan of snow and won't apologize for it. It is cold, wet and messy but I will tolerate anything for my girls. M loved it - I think she was outside most of the day in it. L was outside approximately 10 minute then had a sudden meltdown and didn't want to go outside again.

M early in the morning making her snowman family.

The girls working on a snowman. We looked outside an hour later and the stupid dog had decapitated it, ate the lollipop that was the nose and dragged the scarf into the front yard.

Monday, December 1, 2008

What I am thankful for

A little late but here goes..... no real order just posted as I think of them

my wonderful family - I am so blessed and thankful for my husband and girls, my parents and sisters and their families, and my in-laws.

my job - I am so happy to have found a job I love to do in a work environment that is so supportive. With the economy as it is right now I am also thankful to have a job.

friends - I am so thankful for my friends. I don't think I express enough how much I appreciate them and feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

online shopping - my sisters both love to go shopping, I really can't stand it. I don't like crowds and most of the time feel very frustrated after a trip to the mall or wherever. Thank goodness for online shopping. I think I have only had to purchase 2 gifts at an actual store this Christmas. I would say I am 80% complete all before December.

Bops and anything chocolate - I don't think this needs an explanation.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hit the brick wall

Well the training came to an abrupt halt. I am so disappointed. I have been sick since Tuesday and still don't feel like doing more than laying on the sofa. It has been one of the roughest weeks ever. Hubby was out of town, I was sicker than I have been in a really long time, my aunt passed away, a friend of the family lost his battle to cancer and one other thing happened I am not ready to talk about.

I really am so bummed i stopped the training. I don't know when I will feel like starting back up but I can't wait.

On a side note, why do 2 year olds not listen?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Not that bad ...

I started week 3 tonight. I had to go for 3 minutes walking and 3 minutes jogging. I thought it was going to be so hard but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Maybe this program actually works.

Now I am eating eggs with cheese cause I have been craving eggs all week. Chocolate would be good too. mmmmmm

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 3 and a soapbox

I completed week 2! YEAH!!! Not looking forward to week 3. I don't see how I am going to run 3 minutes. I can't hardly do 90 seconds.

Next Friday is Halloween. Wow where did October go. I need to go shopping for M - she has outgrown everything. Luckily L has clothes from M and her cousin. I think we will make it through winter without having to get much for her.

Why in the world do we put some much money into entertainment? At what point and who made the decision that the industry should get so much money. I don't know what our world has come to but I wish it would change.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Great video

The following video was shared with me. I think I have told myself almost all of those. I am pretty determined right now, hope that doesn't change. I really have no excuse!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Friday started week 2 for c25k.  This meant a change in the routine.  Longer running and walking periods - fewer reps.  The Friday run was fairly pain free and I even kept a good pace and didn't lag behind my husband.  The drop in temperature was nice - not too cold.  I'm not looking forward to it getting any colder though.  Sunday's run was complete opposite of Friday's.  I don't know if it was because it was an am run or what but it kicked my butt.  I struggled the entire time.  There were many things that made it different and I am not sure what made it so hard - 1. neighborhood, not the trail = hills 2. am and not adequately nourished pre-run 3. felt bad to begin with.   I still went through with the run.  I wouldn't say it was pretty but I finished it.  I got 'in trouble' for dragging my feet and 'putting on the brakes'.  I honestly didn't even realize I was doing it.  Hubby asked me several times if I just wanted to quit and walk the rest of the way.  There was no way I was going to do that.  I am not going to backtrack on a program.  I am determined to finish this.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 1 is over

I completed week one last night.  It was pretty rough.  We were short on time so the neighborhood was our option instead of the trail.  Our neighborhood has some wicked hills.  I felt way worse after than I had day 2.  Feeling good today though and am so glad I am finding time to get in shape.  They have become fun outings for the family.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

C25K Two days down....

I started my couch to 5k program on Friday.  It hurt way worse than I thought it would, but I did it again today.  I still hurt but not as bad as I thought I would - maybe it is too early too tell.  At this point I don't see how I am going to be able to do a 5k but we will see.  At least I am getting exercise.  My outside may look fit but my inside sure isn't.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I printed off the information on couch to 5k.  Someone told me I had to pick a 5k now that was going to be my goal.  Am I that committed?  umm.... let's see how week 1 goes.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Today is my best friend's birthday. She lives in Florida so even though I would love to take her to lunch or something, the most she will get is a Happy Birthday phone call. I have known my best friend since I was 3 months old. We grew up across the street from each other, went to the same college and as soon as she got married to her high school boyfriend - she moved to Florida. We always make an effort to get together several times a year but there is nothing like having a friend in the same city. I miss her alot.
Isn't it weird how some people are in your life forever and others it seems like they are such a huge part of your life but only for a short period of time. Is it because of lack of effort or is that just the design of life? I guess these people were suppose to be in your life when they were and there is a reason they are not now.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

why is it so hard

Why is it so hard to workout. It is a good thing to do but I just don't have the will to do it. I want to do it but I just don't. I need to get my mind focused on a goal and just quit being lazy. I really enjoy the way I feel when I work out.... so any suggestions to help me get motivated to stay focused and work out every day? I want to feel better and just be in good shape!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

4 days in a row

I have worked out for 4 mornings in a row.  Just a little bit every morning but better than nothing.  I am still not feeling better but not any worse.  My husband says I need to drink more water.  I don't know why I find it so hard to drink water.  It should be simple but I just never seem to be able to drink very much in a day.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 1 - better me.

I had a pretty blah weekend.  I ached all over and felt pretty bad all weekend but I got some cleaning done - not at all what I had on my to do list but at least it was something.  The roomba got a good workout.  Despite feeling like crap even this morning - I forced myself up and worked out on the EFX.  Only a few minutes but better than nothing -right?  I forgot how good it feels to get the heart going in the morning.  Yeah me!  

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Starting Monday....

Starting Monday I am going to wake up early and start working out. I am always tired so maybe working out will help me feel better.   

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

just a feeling...

I can't get my Aunt off my mind today.  She has Alzheimer's disease and is living in a nursing home.  She can't communicate with us anymore and most times can be found in the fetal position in the bed.  I haven't gone to see her in a while.  I really don't know what to do.  When anyone goes to visit all she ends up doing is crying the entire time and the doctor even said less visits are better because they interfere with her routine.  I feel if I go see her I am just doing it for myself. But am I really? I mean how does the doctor really know that she is not benefiting from the visits. I mean I can see that it upsets her but does it upset her more to be ignored like she no longer exist.  It upsets me to see her the way she is.  This woman was the picture of health.  She really took care of herself and was always full of energy and life.  To see her so frail and to not be able to communicate hurts me so bad.  I know she would not want to be living like this - if you can even call it living- more like existing.  I always leave crying which I know has caused me to, in my mind, decide it is better for HER to not visit her.   But is it?

This decision is very heavy on my heart and I just can't get her out of my thoughts. Do you ever feel like that people enter your mind because it is God's way of telling you they need you?  I think I need to go see her.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


i have had a lot of things on my mind lately due to the death of someone my age.  first i wonder - why do we have open caskets?  i just don't get it.  nobody ever really looks good or like they did when they were living.  i decided i really don't want an open casket if i die.  i want people to remember the way i looked while alive not painted up and primped by someone who never even knew me.  

is it just me or do you worry about something bad happening to a loved one all the time.  it frightens me so much.

time really does fly by.  i can't believe how fast my girls are growing up and my parents are aging.  sometimes i feel like i am missing so much and i just want to freeze time.